Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Making Christmas Cookies (12/18)

One of the Christmas traditions that my Mom started with me and my sisters was to make and decorate sugar cookies.  That is a tradition that we have continued in our family and we all really enjoy it.  I like watching them pick out what cookie cutter to use and then drowning an iced cookie in sprinkles.  Of course eating them is the best part!

Josh learned that rolling out his dough too thin could keep him from being able to get his cookie off the mat.

Another sheet ready to go in the oven.

Time to decorate.  We pinched the sprinkles with our fingers and then sprinkled them on the cookie.  

Simon kept eating the sprinkles off his fingers so he had to wash his hands many times.

Simon just needed more sprinkles.


The cookie team. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww, wish I had tAKEn more pics of you girls while you were doing it- so long ago but seems like yesterday. love them cookies


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